Milestones are what your goals are for the case. They could be as simple as "Resolve Case" or as complex as an ongoing response, a temporary resolution provided or a code fix delivered. In Salesforce, the milestones have no real functionality, they are simply labels that are created to be moved around by your entitlement process
Entitlement Processes
Entitlement processes are where you finally take your defined SLAs and turn them into something actionable. The determine how the case will behave while under it's influence.
As part of the creation of a new entitlement process, you can define when your process case enters the process
Based on case created date &ldash; This is when the case is created. Typically, this is the option you would use
Based on a custom date/time field on the case &ldash; This allows you to choose a field on the case to use. This is useful if your entitlement process does not start until after an action occurs. For example if a case must be vetted then a datetime field is set starting the process
You can also set when the case exits this process
Based on when the case is closed &ldash; Again, this is typically the option you would choose
Based on custom criteria &ldash; This allows you to set custom criteria for when the process exits. This is useful for you consider a case resolved based on something other than the case's status. For example if a solution is verified or a knowledge article is written
When a entitlement process exits, it does not mark any in-progress milestones as completed. For this to happen you will have to add a custom trigger
Exercise 3: Create Entitlement Processes and Milestones
Create case milestones and create entitlement processes.
Your support organization offers Premium and Standard levels of support based on the table below.
First Response
1 Hour
6 Hours
Case Closure
2 Business Days
6 Business Days
First Response
4 Business Hours
12 Business Hours
Case Closure
4 Business Days
8 Business Days
Based on our business hours, a business day consists of 9hrs. So these must be converted to minutes based on that.
To aid in the math, the table below is the conversion of hours to minutes
First Response
60 Minutes
360 Minutes
Case Closure
1080 Minutes
3240 Minutes
First Response
240 Minutes
720 Minutes
Case Closure
2160 Minutes
4320 Minutes
Example: For standard-high, 4 business days x 9 business hours x 60 minutes == 2160 minutes
Create the First Response and Case Closure milestones
Create Premium and Standard entitlement processes
Add case milestones to meet your expected response times
Create the First Response and Case Resolution milestone