
Basic SOQL

select Field1__c,
        select Field4__c
        from RelatedObject__r
    ), (
        select Field5__c
        from OtherRelatedObject__r
        where Field5__c in ('value1', 'value2')
from MyObject__c
where Field1__c = :myVar and
    Field2__c < 2 and
        DAY_IN_YEAR(Field3__c) = 32 or
        Field3__c = null
order by OtherField__c
limit 10
offset 10 

Aggregate SOQL

select COUNT(Id) count,
    MAX(Field1__c) max_field,
from MyObject__c
where Field2__c < 2
group by Field3__c
order by COUNT(Id)



In general, SOQL should be declared inline using the square bracket notation. When not possible, dynamic SOQL should conform to the same naming and capitalization requirements


  • Fields should be alphabetized appear in upper camelcase.
  • Related queries should appear after all member queries, also in alphabetical order.
  • Should a field contain special characters (for example underscore), those fields should in ascii order.


  • Each field should be on it's own line.
  • The first field should be on the same line as the select.
  • Subsequent fields should be intented further in.
  • Parentheses should be on their own line
  • Where stanzas that are combined with a logical operator (and / or) should have the operator at the end of the line


  • Action words (select, from, where), logical operators (and, or) should be lowercased
  • Date functions (DAY_IN_YEAR, CALENDAR_YEAR), aggregate functions (MAX, AVG), or literals (TODAY) should be capitalized

Checkstyle Rules

<!-- SOQL actions -->
<module name="RegexpSingleline">
	<property name="format" value=".*\b((?!(?-i)select)(?i)SELECT)\b.*" />
	<property name="message" value="SOQL operator ''select'' should be lowercase" />

<module name="RegexpSingleline">
	<property name="format" value=".*\b((?!(?-i)from)(?i)FROM)\b.*" />
	<property name="message" value="SOQL operator ''from'' should be lowercase" />

<module name="RegexpSingleline">
	<property name="format" value=".*\b((?!(?-i)where)(?i)WHERE)\b.*" />
	<property name="message" value="SOQL operator ''where'' should be lowercase" />

<module name="RegexpSingleline">
	<property name="format" value=".*\b((?!(?-i)limit)(?i)LIMIT)\b.*" />
	<property name="message" value="SOQL operator ''limit'' should be lowercase" />

<module name="RegexpSingleline">
	<property name="format" value=".*\b((?!(?-i)group by)(?i)GROUP BY)\b.*" />
	<property name="message" value="SOQL operator ''group by'' should be lowercase" />

<module name="RegexpSingleline">
	<property name="format" value=".*\b((?!(?-i)order by)(?i)ORDER BY)\b.*" />
	<property name="message" value="SOQL operator ''order by'' should be lowercase" />

<!-- SOQL logical operators -->
<module name="RegexpSingleline">
	<property name="format" value=".*\b((?!(?-i)and)(?i)AND)\b.*" />
	<property name="message" value="SOQL operator ''and'' should be lowercase" />

<module name="RegexpSingleline">
	<property name="format" value=".*\b((?!(?-i)or)(?i)OR)\b.*" />
	<property name="message" value="SOQL operator ''or'' should be lowercase" />